Scouting Superstars

Scouting Superstars on the Isle of Wight

The Isle of Wight is an amazing place.  Sid and Becca searched through Barry and MaC's photo archives, looking for photos of famous people involved with Isle of Wight Scouts. It's a very impressive collection.

Bear Grylls and his mum

Although he's never actually called in to meet Isle of Wight Scouts, Isle of Wight Scouts called in to meet Chief Scout Bear when he opened an event called Ribfest in Cowes Marina in 2010. 

  County Commissioner Paul Savill led our team fundraising at the event.


Paul's team included (L-R) Barry, (Bear, with his son), Rosie, Stewart and Geoff.

Bear lived and went to school on the Island when he was younger and his mum still lives here. Lady Sally Grylls is a good friend to Scouts and comes to several of our events each year.

When Princess Anne came to open the new Mattinson Centre at Corf Campsite Lady Sally (on the right) met up with 2 other Scouting figures. In the middle is Imogen Baden Powell, granddaughter of our founder Robert Baden Powell. On the left is Vivienne Roberts, wife of County Commissioner Anthony Roberts.


Alan Titchmarsh

TV Gardner and Ex-Scout Alan Titchmarsh has a second home in Cowes;


and in Summer he can be seen strolling round Cowes

In 2010 Alan attended an Isle of Wight Girl Guiding "Mini Gardeners Question Time" to help raise funds for the Trefoil Guild.


 The Event was held in the garden of the Bembridge home of Dr Grimaldi, a distant relative of the Royal family of Monaco. In the photo Dr G. is standing in his rose garden in front of a fragrant pink rose called "Grimaldi".


Chief Scout George Purdy

George Purdy, of the famous Gunmaking family, was Chief Scout in 1994 when he visited Corf campsite on the Island.


 The perfect Scout, he was nice enough to spend time with everyone who attended.


Chief Scout Garth Morrison

Chief Scout Garth Morrison visited Corf Campsite in May 1991.

1991 Visit of Chief Scout Garth Morrison to Scout County camp


 1970 Presentation at Corf (Angela Brown, Chale & Niton)


Wayne Bulpitt

Chief UK Commissioner Wayne Bulpitt visited the Island to meet us at our "Dinosaur Race Day".

He met Marie and Maddy. Maddy was our youngest "acting-Beaver", as her mum Marie has been a Beaver leader at 1st Shanklin.


John Giddings

Ex-Scout John Giddings runs the Solo music agency and the Isle of Wight Festival. John was a Scout in St Albans and had some amazing adventures. More recently John has supported Isle of Wight Scouts with fundraising and PR. John is currently supporting our 2023 Jamboree team fundraising. In 2009 John helped us salvage unwanted camping equipment after the Festival, and he paid to have it shipped to the Scouts and Guides of Antigua.

John is pictured with fellowship member Julie, fundraising at one of John's events on the Island.

Rob da Bank

Ex-Scout Robert Gorham is better known as BBC radio DJ Rob da Bank. He's also the curator of Bestival and Camp Bestival. 


Robby has supported Isle of Wight Scouts with fundraising and PR, and is also supporting our 2023 Jamboree team fundraising.


Pudsy Bear and friends

In 2018 we organised a Teddy Bears Picnic.

The 3 stars of the show were BBC Children in Need's Pudsy Bear, Red Funnel's Captain Ted Funnel and Toymaster Toby. 



BP and Lady BP came to Carisbrooke Castle on 7th August 1916.

As the Isle of Wight County Press described it so wonderfully on the following Saturday:
"Monday last was a red-letter day for the Island Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, for it witnessed the first united assembly of the members of these splendidly useful and highly patriotic organisations for our lads and girls in the Island. The occasion was also unique in that they were honoured by a visit from the famous Chief Scout, Lieutenant-General Sir Robert Baden-Powell K.O.B. and his charming wife, the Chief Guide, Lady Baden-Powell, who respectively inspected the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides at Carisbrooke Castle, this being the first official visit of the defender of Mafeking to the Island Scouts."