What did you do in the war Grand-dad?
It's something many of us have asked. Well, If you were a Scout on the Isle of Wight these are some of the things you could have done during World War 2...Communications
Scouts took on the important role of conveying messages. Bombing brought down telephone wires or damaged underground cables and so using a messenger cyclist was the safest way of distributing orders. The Scouts carried out these duties in shifts covering every hour of every day. They were often caught in bombing raids and many made the ultimate sacrifice of giving their lives.
World War II Badges awarded to Scouts
As in WW1 badges were presented depending on the length of service you gave. Also shown here are Arm Bands to show people they were officially pary of the Civil Defence. Disappointingly Scouts had to purchase these arm-bands from their own funds.
A letter from WW2 requesting IW Scouts with signalling experience to assist at Shore Stations.
Boy Scouts collecting waste paper - flyer issued to public
Scouts and Girl Guides spent countless hours collecting paper to be recycled.
Collecting door to door
With a large number of Leaders having been called up this poster showed that some Scout Groups carried on without adult supervision
Helping soldiers move into their barracks
Scouts and Guides collected books for soldiers
Sorting out books to be sent to soldiers on the front lines
Helping with distributing clothes
Helping with growing vegetables for the hospital
A lot of military took to wearing a wrist strap with a Fleur de Lys Scout badge to show other servicemen they had been Boy Scouts
A sign to show where Scouts were on War Service