Queen Elizabeth II

 QUEEN ELIZABETH II - events of 2022

In the Summer of 2022 we were adding "The Queen's Platinum Jubilee" badges to our uniforms.
In September we added a second badge with which to remember her passing.

Many members of Isle of Wight Scouts took part in these events in one way or another.
Here is how a few of us were involved in events.

Our County Camps involved dressing up or making tributes, like this one which appeared at Beaveree

Many Groups, like 1st Shanklin, joined in with planting a tree for "The Queen's Green Canopy"


When we heard the news of Her Majesty' passing it didn't seem real.
Many Islanders gathered together to hear readings of the Royal Proclamation, announcing the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the Accession of King Charles III to the throne.

In Newport, the High Sheriff of the Isle of Wight, Mrs Kay Mariott, read the Proclamation.


A number of Island Scouts were present

County Youth Commissioner Becca (2nd left) was amongst 120 Scouts who gathered in London to assist members of the public queuing to file past the coffin of Queen Elizabeth II and pay their respects.

It was a 24 hour a day task
Which gave the opportunity for some very inspiring photos.
 Oft-times Royal Event watcher and Scout Leader Alysa spent 2 nights sleeping on The Mall

But had an amazing experience of watching the Queen's Funeral Procession from such a close vantage point.

Happy events and sad events which went to make up Isle of Wight Scouts personal stories of supporting and remembering the events of the summer of 2022.

If you would like to add anything to the story post on the "Isle of Wight Scouting Heritage" Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/iwscoutingheritage

Her Royal Highness, Queen Elizabeth II