Scout Postcards

 Donald McGill Postcards featuring Scouts

Sending family and friends a British "Saucy" Seaside postcard has been part of Summer holidays for many years.

Wikipedia says: Donald Fraser Gould McGill was an English graphic artist whose name has become synonymous with the genre of saucy postcards, particularly associated with the seaside. The cards mostly feature an array of attractive young women, fat old ladies, drunken middle-aged men, honeymoon couples and vicars.

And, to a lesser extent ........ Scouts! 

Based in Ryde, the Donald McGill postcard museum pays homage to Donald McGill. The 'KING' of the saucy postcard, Donald created over 12,000 postcards from 1904 till his death in 1962 - including 6 which featured Scouts.  Find out more about Donald and the museum here .

Donald's estate have granted us permission to use his designs which feature Scouts for our PR purposes. So, here they are: